
ส่งงานครั้งที่ 10

Digital Thermometer


  • 8051 development board
  • ADC0804 board
  • 16*2 LCD display
  • LM35 sensor
  • Potentiometer
  • Jumper wires


/*this program is for displaying the temperature on 16*2 lcd display using 8051 microcontroller , LM35 sensor and ADC0804*/
sbit rs=P2^7; //Register Select(RS) pin of 16*2 lcd
sbit rw=P2^6; //Read/Write(RW) pin of 16*2 lcd
sbit en=P2^5; //Enable(E) pin of 16*2 lcd
sbit rd_adc=P3^0; //Read(RD) pin of ADC0804
sbit wr_adc=P3^1; //Write(WR) pin of ADC0804
sbit intr_adc=P3^2; //Interrupt(INTR) pin of ADC0804
void delay(unsigned int)  ; //function for creating delay
void cmdwrt(unsigned char); //function for sending commands to 16*2 lcd display
void datawrt(unsigned char); //function for sending data to 16*2 lcd display
void convert_display(unsigned char); //function for converting ADC value to temperature and display it on 16*2 lcd display
void main(void) //main function
   unsigned char i;
   unsigned char cmd[]={0x38,0x01,0x06,0x0c,0x82};//กำหนดจอ 16*2
   unsigned char data1[]="Temperature:";
   unsigned char value;
   P1=0xFF; //ให้port 1 เป็น input
   P0=0x00; //ให้port 0 เป็น output
   for(i=0;i<5;i++) //send commands to 16*2 lcd display one command at a time
      cmdwrt(cmd[i]); //function call to send commands to 16*2 lcd display
   for(i=0;i<12;i++) //send data to 16*2 lcd display one character at a time
      datawrt(data1[i]);  //function call to send data to 16*2 lcd display
   intr_adc=1; //make INTR pin as input
   rd_adc=1;    //set RD pin HIGH
   wr_adc=1; //set WR pin LOW
   while(1)    //repeat forever
  wr_adc=0; //send LOW to HIGH pulse on WR pin
  while(intr_adc==1); //wait for End of Conversion
  rd_adc=0; //make RD = 0 to read the data from ADC0804
  value=P1; //copy ADC data
  convert_display(value); //function call to convert ADC data into temperature and display it on     16*2 lcd display
  delay(1000);  //interval between every cycles
  rd_adc=1;   //make RD = 1 for the next cycle
void cmdwrt (unsigned char x)
   P0=x;  //send the command to Port 0 on which 16*2 lcd is connected
   rs=0;  //make RS = 0 for command
   rw=0;  //make RW = 0 for write operation
   en=1;  //send a HIGH to LOW pulse on Enable(E) pin to start commandwrite operation 
void datawrt (unsigned char y)
   P0=y; //send the data to Port 0 on which 16*2 lcd is connected
   rs=1; //make RS = 1 for command
   rw=0; //make RW = 0 for write operation
   en=1; //send a HIGH to LOW pulse on Enable(E) pin to start datawrite operation
void convert_display(unsigned char value)
  unsigned char x1,x2,x3;
  cmdwrt(0xc6);  //command to set the cursor to 6th position of 2nd line on 16*2 lcd
  x1=(value/10); //divide the value by 10 and store quotient in variable x1
  x1=x1+(0x30); //convert variable x1 to ascii by adding 0x30
  x2=value%10; //divide the value by 10 and store remainder in variable x2
  x2=x2+(0x30); //convert variable x2 to ascii by adding 0x30
  x3=0xDF; //ascii value of degree(°) symbol
  datawrt(x1);  //display temperature on 16*2 lcd display
void delay(unsigned int z)
  unsigned int p,q;
  for(p=0;p<z;p++)    //repeat for 'z' times
    for(q=0;q<1375;q++);   //repeat for 1375 times

Credit : https://circuitdigest.com/microcontroller-projects/digital-thermometer-using-lm35-8051



ส่งงานครั้งที่ 17

Air Pollution Monitoring อุปกรณ์ MQ135 Gas sensor Arduino Uno Wi-Fi module ESP8266 16X2 LCD Breadboard 10K potentiometer 1K ohm resistors 220 ohm resistor Buzzer Diagram Code #include "MQ135.h" #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #define DEBUG true SoftwareSerial esp8266(9,10); // กำหนดขา 9 ของ Arduino เป็น RX pin และ ขา 10 ของ Arduino เป็น the TX pin const int sensorPin= 0; int air_quality; #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11, 5, 4, 3, 2); void setup() { pinMode(8, OUTPUT); lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.setCursor (0,0); lcd.print ("circuitdigest "); lcd.setCursor (0,1); lcd.print ("Sensor Warming "); delay(1000); Serial.begin(115200); esp8266.begin(115200);   sendData("AT+RST\r\n",2000,DEBUG); // reset module   sendData("AT+CWMODE=2\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // กำหนดค่า  access point   sendData("AT+CIFSR\r\n",1000,DEBUG); // รับ ip address   sendData("AT+CIPMUair_quali

ส่งงานครั้งที่ 18

12 V Battery Charger อุปกรณ์ Transformer 12V 1Amp IC LM317 (2) Diode Bridge W005 Connector Terminal Block (2) Capacitor 1000uF, 1uF Capacitor 0.1uF (5) Variable resistor 100R Resistor 1k (5) Resistor 10k Diode- Nn007  (3) LM358 – Opamp 0.05R - Shunt Resistor/wire LCD-16*2 (optional) Arduino Nano (optional) Diagram Code #include <LiquidCrystal.h>// ประกาศเมื่อใช้LCD LiquidCrystal lcd(11, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7); float voltage,current;  void setup() {   Serial.begin(9600);   //ตั้งค่าLCD   lcd.begin(16, 2);   // Print a message to the LCD.   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("12V Charger");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   lcd.print("-Circuit Digest");   delay(2000);   lcd.clear();   lcd.setCursor(0, 0);   lcd.print("Voltage = ");   lcd.setCursor(0, 1);   lcd.print("Current = "); } void loop() {   voltage = (analogRead(A0)) * 0.0140625;   current = (analogRead(A1)) * 0.35;           lcd.setCursor(1

ส่งงานครั้งที่ 15

Arduino Solar Tracker อุปกรณ์ Servo Motor (sg90) Solar panel Arduino Uno LDR’s X 2 (Light Dependent Resistor) 10K resistors X 2 Battery (6 to 12V) Diagram Code #include <Servo.h>      //ประกาศเมื่อมีการใช้Servo Servo sg90;             //ตั้งค่าServoด้วยตัวแปรsg90 int initial_position = 90;   //ประกาศตัวแปรไว้ที่ค่า 90 int LDR1 = A0;          //ขาที่LDRต่อไว้ int LDR2 = A1;          //ขาที่LDR2ต่อไว้ int error = 5;          //ตั้งค่าเริ่มต้นของ error ที่ 5 int servopin=9; void setup() {    sg90.attach(servopin);  // ให้ servo ที่ขา 9   pinMode(LDR1, INPUT);   //ให้ขาที่ต่อกับLDRเป็นInput   pinMode(LDR2, INPUT);   sg90.write(initial_position);   //ขยับServoไว้ที่90องศา   delay(2000);            // กำหนดdelay2วินาที } void loop() {   int R1 = analogRead(LDR1); // อ่านค่า LDR 1   int R2 = analogRead(LDR2); // อ่านค่า LDR 2   int diff1= abs(R1 - R2);   // คำนวณค่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงของ LDR's   int diff2= abs(R2 - R1);   if((diff1 <=